The Leadership Accelerator Program

Expand your team’s capacity, resourcefulness and resilience


So they can


Do great work even (especially) when there’s a lot going on.


With complexity and unrelenting change only accelerating, it’s clear the old ways of leading are not sufficient. Good people are swamped, and barely hanging on – or worse – losing hope and opting out.

Possibility thinking feels like a memory. Energy and drive are thwarted.

Yet there is a way to energise leadership that is inclusive, impactful and inspiring – and mindsets hold the key.

The Leadership Accelerator makes cutting edge leadership training available and affordable for the people you rely on to drive change, achieve goals and lead others.

Your organisation has BIG goals, dreams and desires

It might be to:

  • Grow and serve more clients
  • Change up and innovate your sector
  • Renew and invigorate your team after 3 hard years
  • Launch new products and categories
  • Expand through acquisitions
  • Build a values based, high performance company culture



  • Your people hammered, and overwhelmed
  • You have people new to management or leadership who lack confidence and skills
  • You have a big remit, and you need more people to step up
  • You’re dealing with a complex, volatile environment which your people have little control over, and yet they still have to show up and execute
  • You’re trying to do more with less – but you’re already wrung dry
  • Good people are becoming resigned and feeling powerless
  • You know something else is possible, but what? And how?


Commitment and hard work isn’t enough given the tsunami of change. You need to unleash the leadership of your people. By developing their capacity, you access the deep reservoirs of talent that already exists and is hidden beneath the surface.

And you want to do that without adding more stuff to already overloaded people, doubling your staff numbers, or going against your values.

This is where the Leadership Accelerator comes in.

“So much of what needs to change in organizations comes down to mindset. Twenty-first-
century leaders are expected to have a growth mindset.”

David Mallon, Vice President and Chief Analyst at Bersin by Deloitte Consulting LLP, 2019

The Leadership Accelerator is a proven approach to leading in difficult times

It is for:

Mindsets form the foundation of The Leadership Accelerator

Mindset is key to business growth, company turnarounds, and community transformation. By developing a Leadership Mindset, managers and team members become more positive, innovative, open and engaged despite upheaval and uncertainty. Big work agendas become possible.


“65% of consultants who work on their mindset reach out to clients at least weekly compared with only 28% of consultants who don’t work on their mindset. “ survey to 36,000 consultants and business owners (2020).


“Employees in growth mindset organizations are 47% likelier to see their colleagues as trustworthy; 34% likelier to feel a strong sense of ownership and commitment to the company; 65% likelier to say that the company supports risk taking; and 49% likelier to say that the company fosters innovation.

Carol Dweck, Harvard Business Review 2014

3 keys sit at the heart of The Leadership Accelerator

The Leadership Accelerator moves people in your organisation

So how does The Leadership Accelerator work?

The Leadership Accelerator is an online program AND face-to-face group coaching program.

It gives leaders a video curriculum with worksheets to work through at their own pace,

AND real time coaching from Cathy Burke each week. This allows participants to be coached in the action and apply the teachings to situations that have arisen. It’s like a half-time locker room coaching check in, with specific coaching for leaders on the go.

The online community gives people a chance to connect with each other, give and receive help, and share learnings.

There are 5 modules to The Leadership Accelerator Online Curriculum

There are 5 modules to The Leadership Accelerator Online Curriculum

  1. UNLOCK THE POWER OF MINDSETS and discover how to lead effectively without letting old beliefs hold you back
  • Understand how mindsets are key to your success
  • Identify where you sit on the Leadership Ladder, and what you need to focus on
  • Get excited about what you can achieve without old beliefs holding you back
  1. UPGRADE YOUR LEADERSHIP and get more time and energy without stressing
  • Gain awareness of your default leading styles and what to do about it
  • Identify mindsets to avoid and ones to adopt that are unique to you
  • Learn how to not be derailed by circumstances
  1. TRANSFORM YOUR LIMITING MINDSETS and discover a better way to achieve
  • Learn The Mindset Process™
  • Apply this to untangle limiting beliefs holding you back
  1. DESIGN YOUR LEADERSHIP and create a vision for your leadership that is powerfully yours
  • Reimagine leadership, and what excellence could be for you
  • Get clear on what’s important and what you want to achieve
  • Articulate your ambition, and make a plan to achieve it
  1. LIVE YOUR LEADERSHIP and have this be your new normal.
  • Create an action plan and pathway to set your goals and achieve them.
  • Leverage your impact by supporting others to lead with a Leader’s Mindset
  • Be the leader that others are inspired by and learn from

The greatest leverage an organisation has is its people.

So how are you activating this resource?

How are you developing the capabilities and mindsets of the people you depend on to deliver your mission?

The Leadership AcceleratorProgramisn't a risk. 

It's not info overload.

It's not theoretical and impractical.

It’s seasoned from my two decades of unleashing the leadership of human beings to solve extraordinary problems.

It works.

The Leadership Accelerator provides a way of leading that increases impact and accomplishment – while reducing stress and frustration.

And it ALLOWS for

#1 –People to do their best work without getting burned out

#2 – Inspiration and energy to bubble up

#3 –Your mission to have the best chance of succeeding.

Accelerate and empower the leadership of your peopleso that you can serve your customers and clients more fully, ignite a culture of possibility, and achieve something extraordinary.


Q: How much time do our people need to invest?

An hour a week on the course will have someone finish the program in 10 weeks, but some finish sooner and then review, and others take longer.

Each week there is group coaching that goes for an hour. Participants are encouraged to attend, but they don’t need to come to each one - they might show up when they have something specific to ask for get coaching for.

Q: How fast will people see results?

Within a month someone who is engaging with the course material and coaching sessions will be leading with less stress and more effectiveness.

Q: We have lots of courses to be compliant and it’s hard to get people to do them.

The Leadership Accelerator is designed to be relevant and relatable. It can be done in short bursts which builds sense of achievement. Lots of stories and case studies keep it interesting.

Q: Our people are too busy for this

While busy-ness is not an excuse for not growing and developing,The Leadership Accelerator actually free up people’s time. People get less caught up in the busyness and become more strategic and targeted. Gaining time is something participants regularly share.

Q: Why is the focus on mindsets so key to the Leadership Accelerator?

Every person and every organisation is governed by mindsets. They determine how we respond to challenges, what decisions we make, and how effective we are. Yet we’re mostly unaware of them. Left unchecked, limiting mindsets frustrate an organisation’s ability to achieve its aims.

Whilst there are improvements and technology fixes organisations can do to help people be more productive, without a mindset upgrade, they won’t be sustainable or effective.

 Q: How will The Leadership Accelerator Program help my organisation?

The Leadership Accelerator Program will deepen the talent bench and unlock pools of previously hidden leadership potential across the whole organisation. Companies and teams become freer to create, launch, fail-fast, ideate and launch again new products and initiatives. 

The Program enables people to generate the best possible action in any given situation, and be less derailed by difficulties and challenging conditions. 



In turbulent, unpredictable times, having someone who can unlock capacity and leadership in your team will give you the edge to survive and adapt.

Cathy Burke knows about leading in difficult situations. For 20 years, as the CEO for The

Hunger Project Australia, and then Global Vice President, she was accountable for mobilizing the leadership, resources and commitment to end hunger across South Asia and Africa.

Globally recognised for her work, Cathy was an integral member of a visionary team who developed leadership at scale in villages all over the world. Through this, millions of the world’s poorest people stepped into their power, able to feed themselves and their families.

Like you, Cathy understands the challenges of leading people, and being accountable for budgets and delivery - especially under pressure. As a world class mindset expert, she now brings her experience to help ambitious people and organisations break through the blockages and achieve remarkable results.

Cathy’s clients include eBay, Barings, Northcott, Achieve, Commonwealth Bank, and Amazon.

Cathy is a winner of the APAC Davos leadership award, and AFR Women of Influence award. She is the author of Lead In: Mindsets to Lead, Live and Work Differently (2022), and Unlikely Leaders: Lessons in Leadership from the Village Classroom (2015).